Sunday, January 17, 2010

What's up with 2012?

You may have heard some of the theories; doomsday, solar flare, polar shift, block hole alignment, Planet X (Nibiru) collision, geomagnetic reversal, etc. Whether you believe or not, it's best to have a good idea WHY you believe. Just because someone, no matter who, tells you something will or will not happen does not mean they are right. They might have faulty info as well. Why not find out for yourself? Many local libraries have access to all kinds of databases and other resources to help you. A little leg work can also be fun. Think of all the new, interesting facts you may uncover.

Think we're having a lot more major quakes than any time in the past? Not really. We're pretty much on average. Here's a link to to some stats at the USGS (United States Geological Survey) which has been tracking quakes since the 30's:

As for storms; sure climate change is messing everything up but, in my opinion it's something we'll need to get used to pretty quickly. The people with the money and power to make a significant impact on climate change won't do anything because it would most likely diminish their money and power. Sure, the average Joe like you and I can do our little part, but unless several billion of us little Joe's all do something it won't be enough. It's the "big people", governments and corporations (not all mind you) that can have the most impact. But honestly, do you really think they're going to dig into their own pockets out of the goodness of their hearts and make a significant change for the better? I wish I were wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Somebody please prove to me that I'm wrong.

Feel free to argue about climate change, apocalypse theories, corporate and government greed and corruption, etc. but also please supply links to evidence or facts to back it up.

That's the end of my crotchety diatribe. I'm sick and I'm going to bed.

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