Monday, January 25, 2010

So much to do and so little time

One of the reasons I try to NOT take an entire week off is the resulting overload of emails, interoffice mail and various other 'to-do" items that accumulate. On top of all that, there are texts to read to for multiple classes, meetings to prepare for follow-up calls to make, programs to prepare and breakdowns to have. I need a vacation just to recover from my vacation.

It's a good thing I finally have a job I love.

Unpacking is progressing slowly. My arm is out of the sling again so that's helping things move along. made some good progress today and knocked out four more boxes. Only about 75 more to go.

I received an email from the Friends of the Phoenix Public Library asking people to contact their city council and let them know you want to continue using the Phoenix Libraries (if you're using them). Right now, they are faced with closures and cuts in hours for those that remain. Fortunately my Library system isn't nearly that bad off. Phoenix isn't my area but I hate to see Library closures anywhere. This is a time when many people need and depend on Libraries for assistance and access. There must be other things to cut out of the budget besides Libraries. If anyone working for the city has a company car, stop it. It's a luxury the citizens can't afford. No more trips around the country or going from location to location. Conferencing technologies have come a long way. Anyone city employee making a six figure salary (or shudder to think, a seven figure salary); c'mon. You're supposed to be a public servant. City jobs shouldn't be way to get rich; and yes, I freely admit that I currently don't and never will make even close to a six figure salary. In fact, I live day to day. I didn't become a "public servant" to get rich. I did it to help and serve the public. You want to get rich, go to the private sector. There are plenty of other people out there who would be more than willing to work with and for the public for a fair wage that won't bankrupt the city (or state).

On a happier note, I'm proud to say that I won the "nerd of the month" award at my branch. I got a cool, decorated pocket protector as my award. See, there are low/no cost ways to make the workplace fun. And hey, I am a nerd. It's a lifestyle I have chosen and am proud to embrace.

So, while I'm in a Peter Griffin "You know what grinds my gears" mood, I gotta say that all these recall emails are really making me both nervous and mad. No, these aren't political recalls. These are emails I get from USDA and CPSC. Food and product recalls. Where's the sense of right and wrong? Is getting more money really worth people's lives. I mean, seriously. For the past year or so I've been getting on average 5 recall emails every single day.

Is there no sense of honor left in this world?

Well, it's 11:11 pm. Time to make a wish and go to bed.
Night all.


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