Friday, February 1, 2008

Second Life

Well, this is my first but definitely not my last post regarding the virtual world Second Life.
I've spending quite a lot of time there lately (thank you insomnia) and I now have a Virtual Reality Room all set up, I'm on the Stargate network and have had many visitors from other "worlds" and just finished decorating my new home!

In fact, my Virtual Reality Room caught the attention of Dulcie Mills, a staff reporter for the Metaverse Manager (SL's weekly magazine). The story, in which I have been quoted, is in the January 29, 2008 edition on page 12. The article is titled "Free Virtual Rooms for SL educators and non-profits". The current edition can be found here:

If you happen to be in the neighborhood send me an IM or friend request. My SL name is Corwyn Dryke.

Look for another post coming soon in which I review the various virtual worlds that are available.

Thanks for reading.


Phoenix Cactus Comicon

What a treat this convention was! Thanks to Candace for coveringmy shift so I could attend. I met some cool people Noel Neill (the original Lois Lane), Jon Lewis and Derek Benz (creators of the Grey Griffins Series - thanks for the sketches guys; can't wait for the card game), James Owen (author of Here There Be Dragons) Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), PJ Haarsma (author of The Softwire), Mike Bullock (author/artist Lions, Tigers and Bears) and many, many more.

The turnout was huge. It seems like attendance doubles almost every year. The convention center was bursting at the seams. As much as I would dislike driving further to attend, I think a new venue location might be on the horizon.

I also attended a couple of good writing/creativity panel and a fun voice actors panel. The voice panels are fun because the real faces never look like you thought they would.

Good job again guys and gals for putting on a great convention.