Thursday, November 15, 2007

Intermission #1 - My AZLA 2007 Adventure: Part 1

AZLA (Arizona Library Association) 2007 Annual conference
Theme - "Sharing Common Values"
Wednesday 11/14/07 (Day 1)

I kicked off the conference with a Snickers bar and a coke. Breakfast of champions. After beating myself up over this I went to the Keynote address.

** Note: Our very own Kathy Coster and Yvonne Murphy won the AZLA President's Program Award for their presentation "Design for Change and Change by Design" (read further for a program description). The award is given to a program that best embodies the theme of the conference. Congrats to Kathy and Yvonne!!


Keynote Topic - "Understanding Culture and Building Community"
Keynote Speaker - Dr. Matthew Whitaker

Dr. Whitaker was an energetic and entertaining speaker. He spoke eloquently about the how truly important it is to recognize and understand the diverse groups of people out there not just when making policy but also when just going about our daily lives. It's especially important to acknowledge all races, genders, classes, etc. when looking towards the common goals in the institution.

Some things you can do to fight sterotypes --
* Have an open mind
* Expand your comfort zones
* Value both official and unofficial education
* Share your experienced; both good and bad
* Be humble
* Take action through organization
* Commitment

I hope I will have the opportunity to hear Dr. Whitaker speak again in the future.


Division meeting - Grand Canyon Reader Award, National Board Certification, and Advocacy Updates

2007 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Non-Fiction Book: "Georgia Fleas" by Joan Holub

2007 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Intermediate Book: (tie) "Dragon Rider" by Cornelia Funke and "Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism" by Georgia Byng

2007 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Teen Book: "Son of the Mob" by Gordon Korman

2007 Grand Canyon Reader Award for Picture Book: "Pinduli" by Janelle Cannon

Also discussed and encouraged was calling our government representatives to stop just voicing their support for H.R. 2864 "Skills Act" and actually sign on it. So far the only AZ rep to do so is Rep. Raul Grijalva [D-AZ]who introduced it back in June 2007.
Information on the bill can be found here:

On a Learning 2.0 note, there is an RSS feed to track the progress of the bill.


Beyond the Basics: Making the Most of your Library Website
Marylaine BLock

This was an interesting session. The speaker gave quite a few good tips on making the library more useful to the customers. It seems many people are having trouble with IS departments and getting permission to access some of the Library 2.0/Web 2.0 tools that are needed by staff.

Here are some of the tips and insights:

* The middle third of the webpage is "prime real estate". The most important items should
go here.
* Offer a virtual tour of the library
* Offer tutorials on how to use library services
* Offer links for voter and community issues
* Post stategic plans and annual reports
* Have a recorded video or sound byte greeting from the Library director
* Offering a blog gives the library a more "human" face. It allows for interaction between
the library and its customer (the ones who do come to the library as well as those who
don't or can't).
* Offer a sick kids kit. Downloadable stories, coloring pages, etc.

Design for Change, Change by Design
Kathy Coster and Yvonne Murphy

This presentation (AZLA President's Award) gave details on the new Customer model concept being tested at the newly built Arabian library.

Thinking outside the box starting with a building hat is not shaped like a box.

Much of the space is adaptable and many of the shelves are mobile.

Many of the concepts are taken from the "bookstore" model.

There were many good questions from the audience and I think this new concept will be watched closely.

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